Back Pain Relief

In most cases, pain in the lower back can be caused by a combination of excessive use, strain, or a direct injury to your back muscles and discs that support your spine.
Many experts state that over time, this muscle strain can lead to an overall imbalance in your spinal structure. This creates constant tension on your muscles, ligaments, bones, and discs, making your back more susceptible to injury or in many cases re-injury. Additional causes of back pain can include:
- Pressure On Nerve Roots In The Spinal Canal. Nerve Root Compression Can Be Caused By A Herniated Disc, Often Brought On By Repeated Vibration Or Motion (As During Machine Use Or Sports Activity, Or When Lifting Improperly), Or By A Sudden Heavy Strain Or Increased Pressure To The Lower Back.
- Osteoarthritis (Also Known As Joint Degeneration), Typically Develops With Age. When Joint Degeneration Affects The Small Facet Joints In Your Spine, It Can Lead To Back Pain.
- Defects In The Vertebra Can Allow A Vertebra To Slide Over Another Which Can Be Caused By Certain Activities.
- Spinal Stenosis, Also Known As A Narrowing Of Your Spinal Canal, Can Develop As We Get Older.